Designed to meet, then exceed, your commercial heating and cooling needs with variable speed, advanced compression scrolls utilizing WaterFurnace’s OptiHeat technology.
Utilizing patented technology, the chiller can address diverse heating and cooling loads from a single chiller which can save money and free up square footage. This is a WaterFurnace exclusive and dramatically reduces peak capacity and redundancy issues. Think of the space you’ll save not having to double up your equipment needs.
Unlike other comparable units, the frost mitigation technology built into the TruClimate 900 enables it to produce heat when others are defrosting. Compressors with vapor injection work in conjunction with HydroLink2 Controls.
The TruClimate 900 utilizes advanced technology to produce cold water and hot water simultaneously with simultaneous heating and cooling performance over 8 COP. Even in the most extreme conditions, it can produce up to 140 degree water in normal conditions with continuous operation at temperatures as low as -25°F.
The TruClimate 900 Heat Pump Chiller from WaterFurnace is one of the most versatile electrification and decarbonization solutions on the market. It features variable speed, advanced compression scrolls utilizing WaterFurnace’s OptiHeat technology This unit is ideal for any building owner or operator seeking to eliminate or reduce reliance on legacy fossil fuel solutions such as boilers and gas furnaces.
Easier power connection with raceway tray means faster installations and reduced labor costs.
Commonly mounted on building rooftops where space is precious, the TruClimate 900’s footprint is smaller than traditional rooftop units, while still providing the same thermal output. Additionally, you can bank up to 10 units for a total capacity of 300 tons to deliver the water heating and cooling demand you need.
True DC inverted variable speed compressors and fans to better service the space and match the load requirements while still providing excellent heating and cooling efficiencies.